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Contact Us

James Adinuu
BRGIE Africa Rep

Okeorji Okeosisi
BRGIE Asia Rep

Oby Ogbodo
BRGIE European Rep

BRGIE North America Rep

Baltimore, MD Administrative Office
+1 -443-495-2960

Baltimore, MD Administrative Office Fax

Donation Help Line
+1 (919)-627-2134 (WHATSAPP ONLY)

USA Liaisons
USA State Phone Number
Arizona +1-916-220-9802
Florida +1-904-405-5239
Georgia +1-943-260-7511
Maryland +1-301-256-7094
New Jersey +1-347-995-7238
New York +1-917-297-5037
North Carolina +1-954-592-4192
Ohio +1-440-310-1155
Oregon +1-971-267-4718
South Carolina +1-720-202-2837
Texas +1-281-942-8904
Virginia +1-757-335-1811
Africa Liaisons
Countries Phone Number
Angola +244-923-563-865
Cape Verde +238-9360876
Congo, Democratic Republic +243-90199-6229
Gabon +241-66-68-21-74
Gambia +220-330-2269
Ghana +233-20-868-3318
Ivory Coast +225-05-39-39-81
Lagos +239-98-59871
Liberia +231-88-152-1989
Mali +223-50-02-85-50
Morocco +212-711-524577
Niger 505 +227-82-68-90-46
Senegal +221-70-1194342
Sierra Leone +232-76-624787
South Africa +27-72-060-6968
Togo +228-91-20-66-57
Zambia +260 77 9892517
Asia Liaisons
Countries Phone Number
Bahrain +973-3599-0620
Cambodia +855-87-884-780
China +86-158-4049-9542
India +91-76279-33525
Indonesia +62 856-9374-7978
Kazakhstan +7-707-949-2331
Korea +82-10-7623-4185
Malaysia +60-17-310-8439
Pakistan +92-31-5131-2593
Qatar +974-5031-1641
Russia +7-999-977-65-51
UAE +971-50-690-5154
Europe Liaisons
Countries Phone Number
Austria +43-676-6739009
Belgium +32-466-28-17-77
Denmark +45-31-55-50-97
France +33-7-83-38-75-49
Georgia +995-599-519-610
Germany +49 15214039314
Greece +30-694-278-6244
Iceland +354-858-5333
Ireland +353-89-976-6595
Israel +972 54 807 12915
Italy +39 327 098 6378
Netherlands +31-6-14362963
Portugal +351-962-065-218
Spain +34-642-701-007
Sweden +46-76-757-97-53
UK +44-7448-286051
North and South America Liaisons
Countries Phone Number
Brazil +55-11-961479-775
+55 11 98146-5303
Canada +1-403-617-7300
Jamaica +1-518-816-4236
Other Liaisons
Countries Phone Number
Australia +61-406-879-556


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